Unlocking Innovation By Bridging Cultures 47

Unlocking Innovation By Bridging Cultures


At the 2015 Action Forum, Henry Crown Fellow Ami Dror pledged to create a global innovation fellowship, alongside China Fellow Elizabeth Chen that will connect leaders in the Israeli and Chinese economy to enrich innovation. The products of this effort has begun to materialize, as Ami and Elizabeth plan to launch their first class this year. 

AGLN: Tell me about the opportunities you saw that spurred your Action Pledge.
Ami: The Chinese economy is growing so fast and we see China trying to move into a more innovative economy, while in Israel, people know how to innovate, but Israel doesn’t have any scale. So you have two goals from different sides: helping the Chinese new market leaders become more innovative and helping Israeli leaders become more globally oriented. We believe it’s all about cultural bridge. When you create a bridge and connect cultures, that’s when you have solutions.

My Action Pledge is to start a global innovation fellowship for Israeli and Chinese business leaders. - Ami Dror

AGLN: Why is this a personal mission for you?
Ami: I see the China-Israel Innovation Fellowship as a personal issue for me because I’ve always seen myself as a global citizen. I know personally that the safety of our planet, the safety of our world, prevention of wars; all this lies in the hands of the people that are the leaders and future leaders. As the son of a Holocaust survivor, as somebody who grew up in Israel, and has seen the Palestinian people suffering, the Israelis and their suffering –I know the only people that can solve [these issues] are innovative people that create a new economy. It’s really up to them. And that’s a very personal thing. It’s almost like survival for me.
AGLN: Who are the leaders you trying to reach through your Action Pledge?
Ami: They are the top business leaders from both Israel and China. Our first class has already been formed, and it’s beyond our expectations. They are the top of the top. We just need to execute it properly, because they’re already here.
Ami Dror and the China-Israel Innovation Fellows from Israel. 
Most of them are tech people. Founders and CEOs of some of the most innovative companies you can think of. A few people come from the media and non-profit organizations, but I’d say it’s 80% tech, 10% traditional industries, and 10% other. The age range is 35-50 – and I can explain this age range. The way the Israeli economy works is that most people start their career relatively late because of the army, meaning most people start university at 22 as opposed to other countries at 18. And they will innovate a few times, they will have a few start-up companies in the cycle of their lives. So in Israel it’s very common to see someone in their fifties creating a new start-up, while in China it’s exactly the other way around. Most people who start their companies at a very young age. So we had to strike a nice balance.
AGLN: What impact do you expect to see in the next 5, 10, 20 years?
Ami: I don’t dare to dream. I like to start things. I like to create new babies, educate them, give them wings, and hope for the best. So I honestly don’t know. One of the people in this program might literally change the world – and maybe they won’t. But you know, my job is to be the enabler. To set them free. I don’t want to have any restrictions on my dreams.
AGLN: As a leader, how do you inspire people to work towards your vision?
Ami: My approach in life is that you have to encourage people to dream. I’ll tell you a story, very recently I met the former President Peres here in Israel – I used to be his bodyguard many years ago and I was meeting him after 20 years. The gentleman is 93 years old and he was so excited to tell us about his new startup. And you see a person that is reaching 93 years old, and I told him something like, ‘You’re a legend’, and he said a beautiful sentence. He said, ‘A person should always have more dreams than accomplishments.’ And I think that’s leadership. Your job is always to dream and the things that you’ve already accomplished aren’t relevant anymore. Always dream, always dream bigger. If you can dream and encourage people around you to dream, you are a leader.
Blog Resnick Aspen Action Forum 05/18/2016 11:09am EDT

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