First Name:
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Title and Organization:
Dr. Lama Alsulaiman
Lama Al Sulaiman, first woman to be elected Deputy chairperson of the Saudi Chamber of Commerce. And one of 20 first elected women for the Saudi Municipality council . She is also board member of the Khadijah Bint Khuwailed Lobbying center for women, and a member of the Ministry of Labour Advisory Board on women issues.
She heads the Saudi delegation at the ILO, where she represents the employer's group..
She is also a board member of Rolaco Holdings, a family business and of Foras Investment in Saudi Arabia as well as of the Mena advisory board of Coutts bank in the UK.. And was on the board of Club Med in France.
In 2011 she was selected 5th out of the 100 powerful women in the Arab world in a list compiled by Arabian businesses.
And finally she is a Fellow of the third class of the Aspen Institute Leadership Network...
Fellowship Program