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Harold W. (Trey) Gowdy, III, represents the 4th District of South Carolina in the US House of Representatives. Previously, he served as the solicitor of the 7th Judicial Circuit, serving Spartanburg and Cherokee counties. Before that he worked as judicial clerk for Federal Judge G. Ross Anderson, Jr.; as a litigation associate with Nelson, Mullins, Riley and Scarborough in Greenville; and with the U.S. Attorney's Office as a drug and violent crime prosecutor. Trey is chairman of the South Carolina Commission on Prosecution Coordination, chairman of the Spartanburg County Criminal Coordinating Committee, on the board of the South Carolina Bar Criminal Law Committee, and secretary/treasurer of the South Carolina Solicitor's Association. He has served on the board of the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System and as trustee of First Baptist Spartanburg. He earned a BA in history from Baylor University and a JD from the University of South Carolina. He is a Fellow of the second class of the Liberty Fellowship Program and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.
Fellowship Program