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Paul Howard is a senior fellow and director of health policy at the Manhattan Institute. He is a contributor to The Apothecary, the Forbes blog on health-care policy and entitlement reform, and a regular columnist for The Morning Consult. Along with Peter Huber, he is the co-author of Unlocking Precision Medicine (Encounter Books, 2016). Howard has written on a wide variety of medical-policy issues, including FDA reform, biopharmaceutical innovation, consumer-driven health care, and Medicare and Medicaid reform. He is often quoted on health-care issues, and his work has appeared in such publications as Bloomberg View, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Affairs, USA Today, RealClearPolitics, New York Post, Investor’s Business Daily, Health Affairs, and He is a member of MI’s Project FDA. Howard was part of the health-care policy advisory group for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, has testified four times before Congress, and, during 2013–16, served on an expert panel as a judge for Celgene’s Innovation Impact Awards. Paul is a Fellow of the third class of the Health Innovators Fellowship and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.