The Great Re-Set

At the 2017 Resnick Aspen Action Forum we put forth the theme of the Great Re-Set. Through this theme, we challenged participants to consider how the various changes around the world would affect their leadership and values. See a description of the theme below:
“Is it just us or does the world seem to be shifting on its very axis? Surprise decisions by voters across the globe. New views on trade. Unprecedented movements of people. Artificial intelligence displacing workers. The human genome open for tinkering. How do we, as leaders, recalibrate to make sure that these changes have a positive impact on society? And how do we do this while remaining true to our core values? The future of everything is happening now. If ever there was a time for courageous, enlightened leadership, this is it. This is the time for The Great Re-Set.”
The 2017 Program

The 2017 Action Forum agenda was personalized for each participant, who could choose from over 40 topical dialogues during registration, 12 different venture skill workshops, and a variety of different Action oriented programming. These sessions were sourced from Fellows across the Aspen Global Leadership Network to ensure that the content was relevant and engaging. Below are just a few of the dialogues that were offered in 2017.
- Business Re-Set: A New Social Contract?
- The Future of Health: Just Because We Can, Should We?
- Global Re-Set: The Rise of Nationalism
- Board Leadership: Surfing Stormy Seas
- Finance Re-Set: Innovation for Good
- How Could You?!: What Will Future Generations Condemn Us For? (A dialogue with our Youth Camp participants)
In addition to a variety of different dialogues, the 2017 Action Forum also featured keynotes from the Honorable Ruther Bader Ginsburg, New York Times columnist, Tom Friedman, and CEO of the Aspen Institute, Walter Isaacson. See these keynotes and more here.
In 2017, over 375 adult participants and 75 youth participants joined the forum from Across the globe. See who attended the 2017 Action Forum here.