Moving From Thought to Action

Action Pledges are public commitments made by leaders at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum to direct their talents and resources toward a specific societal challenge. Over 1,000 Action Pledges have been made since the 2013 Action Forum, below are just a few examples.
- Patricia Musoke, African Leadership Initiative - East Africa
"I will bridge the wealth gap in the U.S. by bringing entrepreneurship programs to the poorest neighborhoods."
- Di-Ann Eisnor, Henry Crown Fellowship
"I will identify, train, and empower 80 public sector servants in Jordan who will design and champion new policy initiatives impacting their communities by 2017."
- Emile Cubiesy, Middle East Leadership Initiative
"I will increase advocacy efforts with politicians and government officials around issues of LGBT rights in India."
- Pallav Patankar, Kamalnayan Bajaj Fellowship
"I will ensure more first generation college students succeed in college and get strong first jobs."
- Aimee Eubanks Davis, Pahara-Aspen Education Fellowship
"I will provide one million people per year with affordable eyeglasses in over 20 countries by 2016."
- Jordan Kassalow, Henry Crown Fellowship
Learn more about making an Action Pledge
Action Pledge Update Videos
Support for Action Pledges and Ventures
Thanks to strong partnerships with the John P. McNulty Foundation and Paul Hastings, LLC, participants have the opportunity to apply resources in support of their pledges and ventures.
The John P. McNulty Prize
The $100,000 John P. McNulty Prize celebrates the boldness and impact that Aspen Global Leadership Network Fellows are bringing to bear on the foremost social, economic and environmental challenges of our time. Laueates are announced at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum.
Paul Hasting Action Pledge
Paul Hastings, LLC has pledged of 200 hours of free legal advice to selected Action Forum participants to help with important legal issues they are facing related to their Action Pledge or Fellowship venture.