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Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, MAPP, FACOG is the Catherine Lindsay Dobson Professor in the Departments of Ob/Gyn and Professor of Medicine-Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at the University of Chicago. She is also Special Advisor to the Provost, leading projects in the provost’s highest priority strategic domains and working closely with the vice provosts and the provost’s chief of staff as well as other administrative and faculty leaders. Dr. Lindau’s scholarship, conducted in partnership with a diverse and world-class team of researchers in her lab, focuses on deciphering the mechanisms through which social and sexual conditions drive health and the impact of iatrogenesis on social and sexual functioning. At the University of Chicago, Dr. Lindau founded and directs the Program in Integrative Sexual Medicine for Women and Girls with Cancer (PRISM), the Bionic Breast Project, CommunityRx, WomanLab and Feed1st.
A successful entrepreneur, Dr. Lindau has advanced several of her discoveries from research lab to real life, including NowPow (acquired in 2021 by Unite USA, Inc.), MAPSCorps, 501c3 (joined Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy in 2023) and the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer, 501c3 (inaugural chairperson). Dr. Lindau’s work has been published in the highest impact scientific literature including NEJM, JAMA, BMJ and Health Affairs and has been featured in a wide range of print and other media outlets including the New York Times, National Public Radio and the National Book Review. Dr. Lindau has patents pending related to the Bionic Breast Project.
Dr. Lindau is a dedicated mentor. MAPSCorps has employed and trained more than 3000 youth in Chicago, New York City, rural eastern North Carolina and other geographies. She also takes great pleasure and pride in mentoring early career medical student and physician scientists across disciplines and has been honored for her mentorship activities, including with trainee awards named for her by MAPSCorps and the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer. Dr. Lindau was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar, an Aspen Institute Health Innovator Fellow and a 2023 Chicago Moth Story Slam winner.
Fellowship Program