Title and Organization:
Kojo Addae Mensah is group chief executive of the Databank Group, Ghana’s premier investment bank that provides innovative and responsive corporate advisory, brokerage, fund management and research services to local investors. Prior to joining Databank, he was CEO of Ghana Commercial Bank, where he led the institution to much growth in the areas of ATM and internet banking, with various awards to its credit. Kojo is the founding director of Changing Lives Endowment Fund (CLEF), a fund set up to influence the provision of quality education to bright but needy students. He is passionate about mentoring and providing career guidance to various educational institutions. He is an avid soccer fan and often sits on panelists for various soccer shows. Kojo has a master’s in business administration (finance) and a bachelor of arts in economics from the University of Ghana. He is a Fellow of the fifth class of the Africa Leadership Initiative-West Africa and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.
Fellowship Program