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Derek Thomas is CEO of Letsema Holdings (Pty) Ltd. He previously served as executive director of Letsema and CEO of CEPPWAWU Investments (Pty) Ltd, a black economic empowerment investment company. He maintains a strategy consulting relationship with the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), with engagement at director-general level, where he works on projects of national strategic interest. Derek serves on the following boards in a non-executive capacity: Transpaco Limited (including Strategy Committee; Remuneration Committee; Audit Committee by standing invitation); Barloworld Logistics Africa (Pty) Ltd (including Audit Committee); Aspen Pharmacare Limited (Alternate Director, member of Transformation Committee); and various private company boards. He holds a MS in economics from London University, a MCOM in economics from Wits University, and a BCom with honors in economics and finance from Wits University. He is a Fellow of the fourth class of the Africa Leadership Initiative-South Africa and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.
Fellowship Program