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Is a Salvadorean lawyer, with a collective transformation leadership. Most of her professional career has been devoted to the pursuit of modernization of the State, search of opportunities through trade and the promotion of the importance of transparency and rule of law as the path to prosperity and peace. Her path has led to believe that development is only achieved through a collective process and that the best solutions are created with collaboration and cocreation. She currently the founder of “Colectivo que Transforma” a platform that promotes women empowerment through dialogue and a constructive path for personal and collective development.
Claudia was the first woman President of FUSADES, which has been ranked among the top 12 in Latin America according the “Think Tank Initiative.” She was the founder and former President of the NGO: Democracy - Transparency - Justice (DTJ. She was also a public servant for almost a decade working as the Director of Trade/Commercial Policy of the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador, with the rank of Special Ambassador for Trade Negotiations. During the years that she held office, she coordinated the team that negotiated the WTO agreements, CAFTA-DR, Central America and Chile FTA, among other trade treaties. She was also the head of the Central American Economic Integration process. In 2014, she was awarded the "Order of Bernardo O'Higgins" in rank of Officer, by the Government of Chile. Claudia is one of the 12 Salvadoran leaders that are members of the Central American Prosperity Project launched in 2018 by the George W. Bush Institute. In 2020, in honour of International Women’s Day, the Bush Institute experts recognized her as a trailblazing woman in their leadership programs. Claudia is a Fellow of the sixth class of the Central America Leadership Initiative (CALI) and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network. In 2021 she was introduced as a Champion for Democracy and Governance by the Atlantic Council. She is a member of the Free Enterprise and Democracy Network (CIPE).
Fellowship Program