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Jack D. Furst is a distinguished private equity investor. He manages his own capital making investments in real estate, oil and gas, fixed income securities and public and private equities. Jack is an Adjunct Professor at The University of North Texas and The University of Texas at Dallas (the Harvards of the Southwest) where he teaches finance and investments. He has over 33 years of private investment experience completing over $75 billion in transactions which resulted in attractive returns for investors.
Jack was a founding Partner in HM Capital Partners (formally Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated). The Firm, established in 1989, specialized in private investments of companies primarily serving the energy, financial services, food, manufacturing and media sectors of the economy. Prior to founding HM Capital, he was a partner at Hicks & Haas Incorporated (a private investment firm) from 1987 to 1989. From 1984 to 1986, he was a merger and acquisition/corporate finance specialist for The First Boston Corporation in New York. Before joining First Boston, Jack was a financial consultant at Price Waterhouse in Phoenix. He received his BS degree with honors from the College of Business Administration at Arizona State University and his MBA degree with honors from the Graduate School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin.
Jack serves on the board of directors for several companies. He also serves as an officer and executive board member of Circle Ten Council (Dallas)-Boy Scouts of America, an advisory board member of Longhorn Council (Ft. Worth)-Boy Scouts of America, an executive board member of Boy Scouts of America (National Council), a member of The University of Texas at Austin Mc Comb's School of Business Advisory Council and a founding Advisory Council Member of the MBA Investment Fund, a founding family and recent board member of Cross Timbers Community Church (Argyle, Texas), an advisory board member of Christian Community Action (Lewisville, Texas), and a former trustee and board member of The National Safety Council (Chicago). Jack is a 1998 Henry Crown Fellow, a fellowship of leaders that is administered by the Aspen Institute. He was inducted into W. P. Carey School of Business Hall of Fame at Arizona State University in 1999. Jack is also the recipient of the 2003 Outstanding Young Texas Ex Award and the W.P. Carey School of Business 2008 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. Recently, Jack was honored as Arizona State University’s Philanthropist of the Year 2017.
Boy Scout Biography
As a youth, Jack participated in the Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs. He is an Eagle Scout. He is a past President of Circle Ten Council. Jack served as team leader for developing and programming The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve -- a property that serves as a permanent Jamboree site, summer camp and high adventure base for the Boy Scouts of America. From 2007 – 2015, Jack was the head volunteer that oversaw all of the National Council's high adventure programs that serve over 50,000 Scouts and Scouters a year. In 2007, Jack had the privilege to serve as Head of U.S. Contingent at the World Jamboree in Chelmsford, England where 4,500 Scouts and Scouters from America attended. He is 21st Century Wood Badge trained, has staffed several Wood Badge courses held at Philmont and the Florida Sea Base and has been a course director. As an adult Scouter, Jack is the recipient of the Silver Beaver Award, the Silver Antelope Award, the Silver Buffalo Award, the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, and The Order of the Arrow's Vigil Honor Award.
Fellowship Program