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Dr Marie Charles MD MIA FRSM FRSPH FRSTMH FRGS is a world renown Belgian-American physician, entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and academic. Widely regarded in the media as one of the key innovators in technology and global healthcare, her start-ups are collectively active in +42 countries across 4 continents. • Her latest venture is a US Tech-Bio corporation where she leads a team of award-winning leaders in Machine Learning, Data Science, Computational Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and Genomics in creating a unique synthesis between AI, Systems Biology and Medical Science with game changing commercial applications for Human Performance and Health. • Her unique corporate expertise in successfully fusing technology and healthcare has been widely recognized globally including but not limited to, appointments critical to the European Union/European Commission both as an Investment Judge and an Expert Evaluator for AI and Healthcare Investments by the $110 Bn Horizon Europe Fund as well as a C-Suite advisor for the fund’s portfolio companies seeking to expand into the US. • Additionally, being “no stranger to danger” she continues to lead “boots on the ground” medical deployment mission-teams through her global philanthropic organization (+2,000 medical professionals). For over 20 years the media has followed her remarkable achievements from the “front line” saving millions of lives while surviving targeted kidnapping attempts, epidemics, famines, revolutions, civil wars and disaster zones. • Her remarkable “ground truth” medical field expertise, which is augmented by her many peer-reviewed medical publications, has been acknowledged by numerous appointments including as a Representative with Consultative Status to the United Nations General Assembly in New York and multiple other United Nations bodies including in Geneva and Vienna. • She is regularly featured in the internationally media including: The American Journal of Medicine (US); BBC (London); PBS Television Network – documentary (US); The New Humanitarians (US); The Huffington Post (New York); The Boston Herald (Boston); Belane Magazine – multiple feature editions (Switzerland); Carl Magazine – feature edition (UK/Europe); South China Morning Post – multiple feature editions (Hong Kong); The Economist (US); Singapore Business Times – Cover & Raffles Conversation feature (Singapore); One World Health (London); British television news features (UK); Carl Asia Magazine – cover and multiple feature editions (Hong Kong), among many others. • International keynote speaking engagements include Harvard University Medical School (Boston); Credit Suisse Global Investment Forum (Singapore); Columbia University (New York); US State Department (Washington DC); Oxford University (Oxford); The Royal Geographical Society 21st Century Challenges Series (London); IFC (Washington DC); Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - Bloomberg Leadership Series (Baltimore); The Asian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Annual Conference (Singapore); JP Morgan Chase (New York); Private Equity Healthcare Investor Conference (New York); Duke University (Durham); Infectious Disease Society of America (Washington DC); United Nations (New York); Global Health Forum (Aspen); UCLA Department of Medicine (Los Angeles); Vietnam Military University Medical School (Hanoi); Bristol Myers Squibb (New Jersey); London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (London); Zurich Family Office Investment Forum (Switzerland); UK Parliament House of Lords - Private Session (London); UCSF Medical School (San Francisco); Wellcome Trust (London); Cornell University (New York); The Aspen Institute (Aspen); Johnson & Johnson (New Jersey), etc. • Professional distinctions include Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine; Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health; Fellow of the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine & Hygiene; Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society; Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. • Personal interests include Classic Military Aviation and Expedition Diving as a closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) Technical Diver, Rescue Diver, Nitrox/Deep Diver and Master Diver. • She received her MD from KU-Leuven (Belgium) and her MIA (International Finance, Business & Law) from Columbia University (SIPA) in New York where she was appointed as an Adjunct Professor. • Marie is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute and a member of the Aspen Global leadership Network.
Fellowship Program