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Dr. Elizabeth Fly is the Director of Resilience and Ocean Conservation at The Nature Conservancy South Carolina. In this position, she leads the Chapter's work focused on mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change, including sea level rise and flooding, extreme heat, and drought. Prior to joining The Nature Conservancy, Dr. Fly worked for South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium as the Coastal Climate Adaptation Specialist, helping local communities assess their climate vulnerabilities and develop adaptation strategies. Dr. Fly received her Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina where she studied climate change impacts on marine mussels around the world and worked for NOAA in Washington D.C. for one year as a John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, helping to develop the Oceans and Coasts chapters for the 3rd National Climate Assessment. Dr. Fly is a fellow of the 17th class of the Liberty Fellowship in South Carolina, U.S.A.
Fellowship Program