Action Pledge Update: T&R Committee Hiring A Project Manager
Since the 2016 Resnick Aspen Action Forum, a group of leaders have been working behind the scenes to advance an Action Pledge intended to lead to a national process of Truth and Reconciliation in the United States. The effort has progressed in such a way that a project manager is necessary to keep the momentum moving forward.
This is a perfect opportunity for a graduate student or someone with an interest in the field who’d like to build on their experience by participating in the project. If you know someone interested in helping to advance this work, please share this job description below. Letters of interest and resumes can be sent to

This pledge was conceived by a group of leaders affiliated with the Aspen Institute and the Aspen Global Leadership Network, and is intended to lead to a national process of Truth and Reconciliation:
We pledge to support a national truth and reconciliation process, initially focused on addressing slavery in the United States, and culminating in an annual day of reconciliation, where diverse groups can come together for dialogue, healing, shared humanity and civic engagement to develop a pathway forward. We recognize that there are truth and reconciliation efforts underway already in the US, and seek to build this work with those who are leading those efforts.
Job Description:
Volunteer Project Manager - 4 Month Consulting or Internship Position
This role is responsible for driving the high-quality project plan and, time permitting, early rollout to fulfill the Truth and Reconciliation pledge made at the Aspen Institute’s Resnick Aspen Action Forum in the summer of 2016. The process will focus on addressing the history of slavery in the United States, and culminate in an annual day of reconciliation, where diverse groups can come together for an explicit apology and forgiveness for the history of slavery, through dialogue and ritual, leading to healing, and recognition of our shared humanity and responsibility toward civic engagement to develop a new pathway forward for people in this country. The steering committee expects the Project Manager to have a strong interest in the history of Black slavery in the United States, of truth and reconciliation efforts around the world, and a strong social justice orientation. A specific deadline or timeline for the launch and culmination of the process will be determined during the course of this position as part of the planning process.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Coordinate Truth and Reconciliation initiative, including supporting process design and strategy definition for multi-year plan
- Build and maintain relationships with all key stakeholders
- Coordinate with steering committee, including hosting and leading meetings
- Conduct research to evaluate current state of T&R efforts underway nationally and globally, and summarize and provide research overview to steering committee at regular intervals
- Draft communications to broader set of stakeholders and ensure regular communication of steering committee to all stakeholders
- Support the steering committee’s initial fundraising efforts as needed
- Perform financial and administrative duties as they pertain to the above and arise
Knowledge, Education and Experience:
- Successful candidates will possess the following skills and/or attributes:
- A bachelor’s degree or higher
- Knowledge of the history of slavery in the United States, as well as racial justice efforts since Reconstruction
- A minimum of 3 years of work experience, preferably within a nonprofit environment
- Facility with building consensus among diverse stakeholders
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, organizational, and time management skills
- Demonstrated leadership and facilitation skills
- Creative thinking and self-starting qualities; someone who tackles challenges with enthusiasm and a creative, entrepreneurial approach
- Strong writing and editing skills
- Ability to work independently and demonstrate follow-through
- Pays meticulous attention to detail while working in a fast-paced environment
- An eagerness to learn and a strong orientation toward curiosity
The position is open immediately and the duration is negotiable depending on availability of the candidate. We are requesting a minimum 4-month commitment with opportunities for contract renewal and extension depending on how the project takes shape. This opportunity is currently structured as a volunteer role, ideally suited for a graduate student or other professionals who are seeking experience in this field, or course credit. The nature of and compensation for the role have the potential to evolve.
This position is being hired by an independent group of Fellows working on this Action Pledge. It is not affiliated with the Aspen Institute or the Resnick Aspen Action Forum.
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