Reflections on the US Presidential Election / Suggested Readings
Dear Colleagues, 

We are truly living in extraordinary times. While there’s uncertainty around what comes next, what is clear to me is this: Our mission has never been more important. To engage respectfully, honestly and openly with those with whom we may disagree. To find common ground wherever it exists. To lean forward and do our part to build a better society where all can co-exist - if not always agree. To ensure that justice prevails.   
The community we are building with the Aspen Global Leadership Network has also never been more important: High-integrity leaders committed to each other and the ultimate benefit of society. Fellows leaning in to take action on the challenges we see around us. 
Let’s use the coming days, weeks and months to learn what we can from this global wave of discontent. Let's ask ourselves what we need to learn. And let's find new ways to proceed. 
For those looking for perspective, I invite you to revisit a few of our core readings as well as to explore some recent books and articles I’ve come across.  
  If you want to share your reflections, I invite you to do so in this forum with other members of the Aspen Global Leadership Network. Login to the site to comment. See login instructions here

In Fellowship, 

Peter A. Reiling

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