Announcing the Theme of the 2017 Resnick Aspen Action Forum
Tommy Loper
15 Posts
Is it just us or does the world seem to be shifting on its very axis? Surprise decisions by voters across the globe. New views on trade. Unprecedented movements of people. Artificial intelligence displacing workers. The human genome open for tinkering. How do we, as leaders, recalibrate to make sure that these changes have a positive impact on society? And how do we do this while remaining true to our core values? The future of everything is happening now. If ever there was a time for courageous, enlightened leadership, this is it. This is the time for The Great Re-Set.

About the Agenda
The Resnick Aspen Action Forum will take place from Friday, July 28 – Monday, 31 with optional Deep Dives on Thursday, July 27. See the 2017 agenda here.

The Action Forum agenda is personalized to you by selecting from over 30 topics while registering. We’re excited to share a handful of the Topical Dialogues that were suggested by Fellows. The information about all the topics, workshops and Deep Dive Dialogues will be announced can be found here.

Current Topical Dialogues include:
  • Business Re-Set: A New Social Contract?
  • The Future of Health: Just Because We Can, Should We?
  • Global Re-Set: The Rise of Nationalism
  • Board Leadership: Surfing Stormy Seas
  • Finance Re-Set: Innovation for Good
  • How Could You?!: What Will Future Generations Condemn Us For? (A dialogue with our Youth Camp participants)  

Do you have thoughts on the theme or dialogue topics? Share them below and start the dialogue with us! 

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2 Replies
Great theme! Love the potential here. I'd love to see a dialogue around news media and public trust. 
Edward Man
1 Posts
What a timely and critical theme!   

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