Tuesday, July 25, 2:30PM - 4:00PM MDT
A discussion on leaning into moral courage in tumultuous times and crucial inflection points. Hear a keynote speaker Dar Vanderbeck, Vice President, Aspen Global Leadership Network who will frame the week ahead; reflections from Nicaraguan Central America Leadership Initiative Fellows made political prisoners for dissenting against their country's government who will recount their time as prisoners, what they are going to do next, and inspire us all with their examples of courage and purpose; and remarks from poet David Whyte - his essay “Courage” is a part of our curated collection of seminar readings


Central America Leadership Initiative
Executive Director, CALI Foundation
Central America Leadership Initiative
Vice President, Aspen Global Leadership Network, Aspen Institute

Wednesday, July 26, 9:00AM - 10:30AM MDT
In a world with so many fractures, how might we cultivate a leadership practice that centers the art and skill of repair? Hear a
keynote from Starsky Wilson, President and CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund. After his keynote, Wilson will be joined by a panel of global leaders including Frank Pearl, Senior Partner, Diseño Público, Ari Bassin, lawyer and advisor in global criminal justice, Hope Azeda, founder and artistic director of Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company (Africa Leadership Initiative - East Africa), and Ana María Mondragón Duque, Deputy Judge, Special Jurisdiction for Peace to discuss approaches to justice. The panel will be moderated by Heather Sonn (Africa Leadership Initiative - South Africa Fellow).


Africa Leadership Initiative - East Africa
Founder & Artistic Director/Festival Curator, Mashirika Performing Arts & Media Company/Ubumuntu arts organisation
President & CEO, Aspen Institute
Africa Leadership Initiative - South Africa
Director, Gamiro Investment Group


Wednesday, July 26, 4:00PM - 5:00PM MDT
Join the McNulty Foundation for a plenary featuring three breakthrough leaders - Winners of the 2023 John P. McNulty Prize. This year’s winners are addressing three of the most important issues of this generation and advancing economic mobility, mental healthcare, and a sustainable future for all. This session will be streaming live from Aspen - share the livestream with others in the community so they can tune in from home.

Meet this year’s Winners: 
Marea Verde, co-founded by Mirei Endara de Heras, is demonstrating how plastic and river pollution can be addressed at a grassroots level.

Braven, founded by Aimée Eubanks Davis, is ensuring first-gen and low-income students are equipped with the needed career readiness skills to secure strong first jobs after college. 

Friendship Bench, founded by Dr. Dixon Chibanda is revolutionizing mental healthcare by bringing therapy directly to communities via trained grandmothers.


Thursday, July 27, 9:00AM - 10:30AM MDT
Where are the places we need to heal as people and as communities? Explore how healing can unlock leadership capacities that are otherwise unavailable to us - capacities needed in order to create a better world. Bayo Akomolafe, Founder, the Emergence Network will give the keynote address. We'll also be joined by composer Daniel Bernard Roumain, poet Marc Bamuthi Joseph, and students from the Aspen Music School who will present a special musical performance that expresses the art of healing.


Thursday, July 27, 1:45PM - 2:45PM MDT
A conversation with change makers who risked everything and stood for what they knew was right.

Speakers to be shared on site.

Friday, July 28, 5:00PM - 6:30PM 
Transformation at the level of our organizations, our communities, and our societies requires transformation at the level of our relationships - those with our friends and family, our allies and our opponents, our planet and - crucially - ourselves. How might we become whole in order to show up better as leaders? Hear keynote speakers Sherri Mitchell, Lawyer, Author, Teacher and Indigenous Rights Activist and Katharine Wilkinson, Bestselling Author, Teacher, and Climate Strategist, sound healing led by medicine woman, gina Breedlove, and commitments from Fellows and leaders across the Aspen Global Leadership Network community.


No Data Available

Join Communities of Praxis

Deepen your connections and impact with participant-led meet-ups! Two dedicated times in the program to gather: July 26, 2:45pm - 3:45pm and July 27, 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Communities of Praxis are your protected space and time at the Action Forum for intentional gatherings of participants who are working (or could be working) on related projects. One of the greatest strengths in our community is the trusting connections we build through dialogue. It follows that one of the greatest opportunities for impact is through leveraging these connections. 34 of your co-participants have already signed up to host 24 different meet-ups! Topics range from, ethical leadership in AI; addressing the teen mental health crisis; climate action; dismantling racial bias, and more!

Explore Gatherings

Anyone can host a Community of Praxis!

If you don't find a meet-up that matches your interests, create your own!

This is the time to meet future partners in your work. Fill out a simple form with a short description of the gathering you’d like to convene and when you’d like to host it. We’ll create the WhatsApp group for you and add it to the tracker.

Become a Host